Zhejiang Daxiong Plastic Mould Co.,Ltd Corporate informationCertification

512 Years

Zhejiang Daxiong Plastic Mould Co.,Ltd

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    No.23,Xintang Road,Huangyan,Zhejiang

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Zhejiang Daxiong Mould Co., Ltd is one of the leading plastic injection mould manufacturing base in Huangyan. The Plant is well equipped with the latest machines and can cater to all kinds of requirements of plastic moulds. The company is professionally managed and is headed by Mr Yan Xiongwen under whose guidance the company has grown ten folds in fields of service, quality and volume. We wish to provide the best service at all times at minimum cost which is the guiding Motto of the company.The company has an outstanding reputation in the country and also in the export market. We are a professional company and have built up perfect CAD/CAM/CAE system. The company is equipped with a strong band as regards to the machinery and the dedicated manpower ideally reputed for the running of the plant to meet the best standard of our customer with the shortest possible lead time. The plant is fully equipped and upgraded the infrastructure periodically with latest technological advancements and is a company specializing in television cabinet moulds and automobile plastic moulds and can produce all sizes of moulds. We believe in learning at a day to day basis and upgrade our facilities to be able to provide a better future for our customers. The company has undertaken the daring task of proceeding at a very fast level. It has the expertise to manufacture in the shortest possible lead time which keeps the other companies to follow and be better on a daily basis. We have clients spread all over the country and export our products to other places such Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Israel, Holland, Germany and so on. We wish to extend our service to you in building a long term association.
Company file
Company: Zhejiang Daxiong Plastic Mould Co.,Ltd Mode: Manufactur (Manufactur)
Area: China/Zhejiang Size:
Capital: Unfilled Registration year:
Margin: Paid ¥0.00 Yuan
Mode: Manufactur
major business:
Mould Manufacturer / Auto & Moto Mould Mould Manufacturer / Household goods Mould Manufacturer / Electrical Appliance Moul
Mould Manufacturer / Other Mould Mould Manufacturer / Commodity Mould
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